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Ged a Widget

08 August, 2012

Tutorial Photoshop - How To Make Your Own Simple Brush

- Please give a comment after reading, you may ask or request
- You may copy-paste the content, as long as you put a direct link to my blog
- I made the tutorials after tried it first, these are my real pictures
- Enjoy and please share it to your friends ^^

Hallo Bros and Sists!! ^^

this one is a simple trick for you to create your own brush. sometimes it is hard to find brushes we wanted. this trick, maybe it is not too good, but will give you a chance to create your own brush!

this is my brush i created:

My Result
lucu kan! ^^ bayangin yang
jadi brush itu muka sebat masing2!

interested? i'll help you to make one!

Click to see the steps
1. this time i used my own face, i'm sorry if it's not too good T__T

2. convert the picture to black and white "Image - Adjustment - Black and White"

3. take "Pen Tool" (P). using pen tool, select the whole of your face (you only need the face, you may take the hair anyway if you like)

4. once all the lines connected, do Right-Click and choose "Make Selection". a dashed line would appear.

5. see the Lock icon on the layer? simply click it twice to unlock the layer.

6. then, we have to erase the unused part. choose "Magic Wand" tool, (W).

7. Right-Click on the dashed line, choose "Select Inverse"

the hit "Delete" button.

8. Right-Click on the dashed line, choose "Deselect" or simply hit (CTRL+D)

9. then find "Effect - Filter- Artistic - Poster Edges"

10. hit "Magic Wand Tool" (W), choose wisely the skin color, do not touch the black spots because those
spots would be the result.

11. erase the skin color, try to do it slowly

12. erase all the skin color, more or less the result would be like this.

13. remember, you only use the eyes, mouth, eyebrow, and the nose part and these part must not be erased. the rest of them, erase them up and make it as clean as possible.

14. resize the picture, choose "Edit - Free Transform"

15. hold "SHIFT" and drag any corner of the picture

16. use "Magic Wand" (W), click to the empty board. do Right-Click and choose "Select Inverse"

17. the last step is to safe it as a new brush. choose "Edit - Define Brush Preset". before doing this, make sre that the picture's already selected.

18. nama brushnya bisa kita kasih sesuka hati. biasanya nih, kalo udah kita bikin kaya gitu, kita bisa dapetin brushnya dari icon BRUSH ato (B), trus dibagian atas ada pilihan brush dengan panah arah kebawah (liat gambar), disitu ada pilihan brush-brushnya. kita cari aja tuh yg paling bawah sob, pasti nemu!

using this trick, you can make other expressions with different colors. it is up to your creativity to make the new brush and it is up to you what the brush will look like!

that was a simple trick, i hope you gys could use it, even more, you could make a new trick using this trick.
thank you for reading my blog, wait for my new tricks ^^
